LilianTerry International


Cellu Set


CELLU ONE (Step 1 of 3)

Step one of the LTI cellulite program.

May balance the activity of hormonal glands and accelerate metabolism. Could be effective for cellulite, excess weight, sluggish metabolism, or a sedentary lifestyle.

Apply to the affected areas morning and late afternoon. Apply for two weeks then move on to Cellu Two only for two weeks, then Cellu Three only for two weeks.

CELLU TWO (Step 2 of 3)

Step two of the LTI cellulite program.

May be effective to activate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in capillaries for people with severe cellulite. May decrease appetite.

Apply to the affected areas morning and late afternoon. Apply for two weeks then move on to Cellu Three only for two weeks.

CELLU THREE (Step 3 of 3)

Step three of the LTI cellulite program.

May improve blood circulation and metabolism, decrease the level of free radicals & promote detoxification. May be especially effective for those with an underactive thyroid, sluggish metabolism, on birth control or HR therapy.

Use after you have used Cellu One for two weeks and Cellu Two for two weeks by applying to affected areas morning and evening every day for two weeks.

Active Ingredients

Essential oils of Ginger, Cyprus, Orange, Coriander, Lavender, Grapefruit and Spearmint with selected homeopathic remedies in a grapeseed oil carrier base.


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